Despite the fact that gaming has reached an all-new level of advancement, people are still crazy about full sized arcade games and other retro games from the past. There has been a recent spike in purchases of old games for newer consoles, refurbished classic devices, and emulators on the internet. So why are arcade games still so popular? The answer probably has a lot to do with nostalgia and familiarity. People like the things that they grew up with and they want to relive old memories through these games. The fascinating thing about this phenomenon is that people are also seeking out retro game elements in new games. It’s as if people want to look to the past at the same time they look into the future.
Retro Gaming
If you’re into retro games, then this could mean a couple of different things. Either you yearn for the games of the past like Pac-Man, Asteroids, and other arcade games for sale OR you dig modern games that include retro elements like Pokémon Go. In both cases, you have an appreciation for old-school elements of video games and like to pay homage to their creators. The distinction of what retro really is depends on each person. Games that came out in the 90s and early 2000s might be considered retro now for a younger generation, while the full sized arcade games from the 70s and 80s are the REAL retro for older generations. It’s all a matter of perspective.
Integrating Retro Elements
Retro video games continue to inspire new games and draw the appeal of a mass audience. If you think of Pokémon Go as one of those modern, retro-inspired games, then you’ll agree that nostalgia has a sure-hold on the human mind. People love playing things that remind them of their childhood. Other games like Raid play on nostalgia in a more subtle way by appealing to Dungeons and Dragons fans. You can also find retro elements in Stormfall: Age of War which takes inspiration from early James Cameron movies. If there’s a retro game you miss, then someone is probably already thinking of how they can reimagine it with modern game design.
The Future is Bright
Retro designs, themes, and gameplay are sure to inspire modern games to come and draw large audiences wherever they go. According to recent data, Pokémon Go has grossed more than three billion dollars worldwide, which many developers would like to try and replicate with their own games. You can expect to see a lot of new releases that feature classic characters and maps from retro games. These things may even be in combination with technology like VR. The future of gaming is bright, especially with how far we’ve come with our technology and ideas.
If you can’t wait to jump into retro games again, then consider ordering a new arcade system with over 1,000 games pre-loaded on the device. You’ll love using the classic joystick and buttons to navigate your favorite games from the past, all in one machine!