Three of the top most popular fighting arcade games


The Beauty of Fighting Games

Whether you knew the controls or not, there is no denying that beating people up via arcade games is a boatload of fun. There’s something immensely satisfying when choosing a unique character from a selection screen with limited time to duking it out in a ladder classic arcade mode to duking it out with your buddies. In this article, the Full Sized Arcade Games shall investigate which games do it best when fighting arcade games, gaining the most popularity, and holding onto it for years to come.

Marvel vs. Capcom

If you were ever to find an example of a tag-team fighting game, most people would immediately point out Marvel vs. Capcom. First gaining traction in the form of x-men vs. street fighter in 1996, both Capcom and Marvel decided to go all-in with their crossover game in 1998, formally creating Marvel superheroes. There had been other crossover games in the past, and few of this magnitude, especially fan-favorite Marvel vs. Capcom 2, were released in 2000 to much critical acclaim. Arcade goers loved the game, primarily due to the wide range of significant or minor characters from both franchises taking center stage in 3v3 combat, making such a concept truly popular. With new releases from 2011 to 2017, one can only believe that more titles will be due in the future due to support for the series.


When it comes to 3D fighting games, few can rival Tekken. It came out in 1994; this fighting game series stood out to those who played the game—learning to appreciate its ability to put in excellent, appreciative fighting mechanics and create a mature fighting atmosphere while also creating some subtle light-hearted humor at the same time. The ability to string together combos while using the environment to punch, kick or throw your enemies into walls to extend said combos is a satisfying thing of beauty to witness, much less perform yourself. This game is so popular right now that not only is it heavily featured in tournaments, but if there were arcade games for sale, this would be near the top of our list! 

Street Fighter

When one thinks of 2d scrolling fighting games, Street Fighter will be among the first that people think of. There’s good reason considering that it’s remained popular since its first inception in 1987. This game evolved significantly throughout the years, expanding its roster with iconic characters that people can identify from a glance, such as Ryu, Chun-li, Guile, and M. Bison…or Vega if you’re playing in Japan. For this game, it’s not so much the combos you put together but the spacing, tactics, and strings you can make on the fly. It’s a very tactical fighting game that puts your muscle memory and fighting awareness to the test, which can often be displayed through tournaments. 


Fighting games have been around a great deal of time and have contributed heavily to the development of arcades and the paths that they have taken. They are a genre that can seamlessly transition from console to arcade easily with little repercussions. They are still so popular on arcades that many tournament players use an arcade joystick and pad to play against the competition! And it’s through these games mentioned above that they still retain popularity.


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